May 16, 2009

Liam's first Chuck E Cheese Visit!

Today we celebrated Daddy's 41st birthday at Chuck E Cheese! Liam is so lucky to have a Daddy who wanted to spend his special day playing with his son. It was Liam's first time. He had fun running around and riding the car, merry go round, and eating pizza. He seemed a little cranky today we hope he isn't getting sick. He just wasn't himself at times. He was tired when we got home and went right to bed. Hopefully he'll be feeling better tomorrow.

May 2, 2009

Liam The Crawler!

It's hard to believe but Liam just started to crawl! He is so strong now and can push himself up on all fours and crawls forward a few times (most 5 times) and then he falls down. He is starting to explore everything and soon Chris & I will have our hands full!  

Liam's Schedule

Since we moved to Texas in March we finally have been able to get Liam on a schedule that has worked really well for all of us so far. Although we are flexible with it on occasions most of the time he stays on it.

Here it is...

7:30 am - Awake & Bottle
9:00 am - Breakfast
10:00 am - Nap
12:30 pm - Awake & Bottle
1:30 pm - Lunch
3:00 pm - Nap
5:00 - Awake & Bottle
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:00 pm - Bath
8:00 pm - Bedtime

I Love My Bath!

Liam loves taking his bath! I am so blessed and I hope it will continue.  He LOVES his inflatable duck tub especially when it quaks. I sing the Rubber Ducky song to Liam while I get him ready and he just smiles and laughs and gets so excited. At first he was scared of the duck tub and it took a few times for him to get use to it but now he loves it!