Jan 22, 2012


We celebrated the New Year with Liam first. Liam & I went to a "Noon Year" party with friends from our Moms group here in town. We've gone every years since we moved here ( 3 years now) and its so much fun. All the kids get together have snacks and at 12 noon on New Years Eve they count down and have a party! Since most kids are in bed during the real New Year's Eve this lets them be a part of the celebration earlier in the day. We love it. The video of Liam is when we came back home. He kept counting down and saying Happy "Noon" Year. He had a blast. Later in the evening Chris & I attempted to have some kind of celebration. I had some of my favorite clam dip and special spritzers since I'm nursing no alcohol for me. We also were up with Blake who has colic so badly. He cried from 8 pm - 5 am so it was a rough new years. It's always great just to hang out together. We're so blessed to have Blake though. This year some New Year's resolutions I have are to try to keep positive, become more organized with making dinner & cleaning, spending more time with family, having more celebrations and being more social hosting parties etc. Looking forward to lots of fun in 2012.

Jan 21, 2012

Kiss Me It's My Birthday! The Big 35

I enjoyed celebrating my 35th (UGH!) Birthday with my favorite guys. I was so happy I was able to sleep in. I woke up only to nurse Blake then Chris got up with both boys. While I was sleeping Chris & Liam baked me a delicious strawberry fun fetti cake. It was so sweet. I really appreciated Chris taking the time to make a cake with Liam. It is such a challenge cooking with a 3 year old I give him props for even attempting. He's an awesome Dad Liam had so much. We then went out for a birthday lunch. Later I went out for coffee with a friend in my Sunday School class that shares the same birthday as me ( January 21st) It was great to get out of the house and have some adult conversation. Is it just me or does receiving birthday checks in the mail still give you a smile on your face? My aunts always sent me a birthday check usually $25 or so. Now that I'm in my 30's I still look forward to receiving them and so blessed they still think of me. They're so sweet.javascript:void(0)