Nov 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving was very laid back and relaxing. I don't think we got out of our PJs all day. We stayed at home just the four of us and we loved spending time with each other. We ordered a Turkey, stuffing, and apple pie from our favorite restaurant Bill Millers BBQ. I made corn casserole, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It was so delicious! We woke up early and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. I ate my favorite clam dip. I think Thanksgiving is Blake's favorite holiday so far since he loves to eat and can eat non stop if we let him. Liam on the other hand always picks at his Thanksgiving dinner hardly eats it. So funny how the boys are so opposite.

Our festive table. Since the boys are so young  and it's just us we usually make the table very kid friendly. 

We had a fun activity table cloth & cute paper plates & napkins 
Liam's adorable handprint placemat he made in preschool  
So cute! Can't wait to keep this for years to come for Liam to see when he gets older

Green Bean Casserole
Bill Miller's BBQ Stuffing so yummy!
Corn Casserole
Yummy Bill Miller BBQ Turkey. Precooked just needs to reheat for 1 hour.
They smoke the Turkeys instead of baking them.
Little Pilgrim eating his Thanksgiving feast! 

Little Indian ready for his feast!