Oct 31, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

Happy Halloween from Mario & Luigi

Liam and Blake dressed up like Mario and Luigi! Liam loves Mario Kart and Blake followed along with Liam and I was surprised he wanted to dress up and match his costume with Liam.

We had the best time trick or treating this year! Liam and Blake were so good when we went out and were excellent listeners I was so proud of them.  Blake was adorable saying "trick or treat, thank you Happy Halloween" and waving to everyone. Liam had fun looking at all the trick or treaters' costumes who came by.  People were so sweet complimenting the boys and several people stopped us and said how cute they looked. A group of middle school girls had a crush on Blake and Liam and said they were the cutest brothers ever.  I was so proud of them!! The boys loved seeing all the homes decorated like haunted houses. They love zombies but Blake was a bit scared of this one house that had a grave yard set up in the front yard and a zombie sitting in an old truck.  He was really scared but I just told him it was the Zombie from the Thriller video he won't hurt you and he was okay. The boys are so much fun to hang out with I can't tell you how blessed I am to have these two handsome boys in my life. It was a memorable night for sure!

Oct 21, 2014

Blake's 3rd Birthday - The Jumpy Place, School & Family Party!

I can't believe Blake is turning 3 today! It's so amazing how much he's grown. I'm so proud of him and so happy to celebrate his special day!  Since his birthday is on a Tuesday we decided to have our family celebration in the morning before he went to school. We made him a smiley face pancake, sang happy birthday let him open up some presents. He was so excited!

Blake celebrated his birthday at school with his friends too! He brought ice cream sandwiches to share and everyone sang happy birthday! 

Blake's birthday party was held the Saturday after his birthday at his favorite place The Jumpy Place! Both boys love it there and we decided to have both their birthday parties there this year. Blake had a hard time picking what theme he wanted. It was between Thomas The Train, Caillou, Daniel Tiger or Super Why. He finally picked Super Why! He loves words and reading books so I thought it was great pick for him! We invited his friends from his preschool class. They jumped and played on the all bouncy houses, we had super why chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, and snacked on chips, candy, fruit snacks and juice.  Blake had a blast and was so excited!

Blake's Super Why Birthday Party Invitation!



Remote control big digger truck he got from his friend Rush

Flash light & gift card he got from his friend Weston

A box full of birthday gifts from Grammy in Tennessee 

Blake LOVED this gift from his friend Jude