Jul 26, 2008

NST & Check Up

I went in for my scheduled NST test at the Hospital today and Liam was just fine.  The nurse still heard the slight pause in Liam's heartbeat.  Yesterday I had my weekly check up at the Doctor's office and when the doctor listened to Liam's heartbeat she was also getting my heartbeat at the same time. She thinks that maybe why we hear a pause in between heartbeats  because the machine is trying to pick up both of our heartbeats.  It's not definitely but the doctor still wants me to have the heart ultrasound in Orlando.  I'm scheduled to go to Orlando on next Thursday.  I also found out It's possible I will be induced on August 28th but It's not definite yet.  Please keep us in your prayers.


Jul 19, 2008

NST some concerns.....

Today I had my scheduled NST Test.  The nurse noticed that Liam's heartbeat would pause slightly in between beats.  She asked me if anyone had noticed this before and I told her no. She asked if I was anemic and I said no. She said this happens sometime to mothers who are anemic and it may not be anything to worry about it may go away tonight but she wanted to be sure to let the doctor know.  The monitoring for the NST test was fine. All my tests were normal Liam was moving and his heart beat was increasing at the right times etc. The actual NST Test only took an hour today which was good.   The nurse said the doctor wanted me to check in with her on Monday just to be sure.  Please keep Liam and I in your prayers.

Bad Dream

When I dream all my dreams are like they are real.  I never have strange dreams like I'm driving around in a space ship with aliens or anything my dreams could actually happen.  I don't know why this is but I've been like that since I was a kid.  
Last night I had a horrible nightmare. I dreamed that I went into preterm labor and lost Liam.I woke up in the middle of night to Liam kicking up a storm and I realized that it was all a horrible nightmare. I was comforted by my husband and by Liam who kept kick and turning as to remind me that he was here.  I've been told from other women who have experienced losing a baby do have similar dreams while pregnant again so It is normal.  I just hope and pray I will not have anymore dreams like that and I will only be filled comforting thoughts.  I wondered if I should have wrote about this but I think it's important for those who may not know what it's like to loose a baby will understand how it haunts you every day.  Please keep Liam, Chris and I in your thoughts and prayers.  I'll need them to get through the next few weeks. 

Jul 11, 2008

Dr. Apt.

Today I had my weekly check up.  The Doctor checked Liam's heart which was great!  She also measured my belly to check on Liam's size. This week the Doctor did say that he grew a little bit bigger this week. She predicts Liam could be 7-8 lbs by the time I'm induced in August. Which is a little larger than normal but nothing to be concerned about. She told me to continue to check my blood sugar and stay on my diet things were looking good.

Jul 10, 2008

Today I was honored with a special award.  I'm a member of a club just for women which every month honors a special women with the "Ce Ce Courage Award."  This award is given to a woman who shows great spirit and courage to overcome obstacles.  I received roses and  a gift certificate to a flower shop here in town...really pretty. The club votes on who should receive this award every month.  I was so surprised and thought it was so sweet! There are over 150 members so I thought it was really special to be nominated! Thanks ladies!

Jul 9, 2008


I had my NST test today on this rainy miserable afternoon.  Liam did really well. I was in and out in just under 1 hour which is extremely good.  I'm getting to know the nurses really well and they even call Liam by his name now.  It's nice that they are compassionate and understanding of what we went through in the past. My co-workers have been so great and supportive. I did let them know about Tristan and they are always asking me how my appointments and they keep my spirits up and I'm so lucky to have their support too.  They see me the most over 40 hours a week so It's great that I feel comfortable to talk to them anytime I may feel down or worried.

Jul 8, 2008

Dr. Apt.

Today I had my weekly check up.  The Doctor checked Liam's heart which was great!  She also measured my belly to check on Liam's size. This week the Doctor did say that he grew a little bit bigger this week. She predicts Liam could be 7-8 lbs by the time I'm induced in August. Which is a little larger than normal but nothing to be concerned about. She told me to continue to check my blood sugar and stay on my diet things were looking good.

Jul 5, 2008


This morning I had my NST (Non-Stress Test) everything went well!  Liam is doing so great and I'm so happy. My Doctor told me my gluclose levels have been great and ordered me to treat myself on July 4th so Chris and I went to Diary Queen and I had  Caramel Moolatte.  I don't usually crave sweets but since it's so hot here in FL in the summertime I always like to have a Moolatee or ice coffee to cool down.  It was great fun!  Chris and I saw fireworks this evening and it was fun to feel Liam kick and jump around! I didn't get to experience July 4th  with Tristan he was so young and I was so sick in bed the entire month of July that I don't even remember July 4th.  I can't wait to meet Liam and see what he's like.

Jul 4, 2008

Dr. Apt.

Today I had my regular two week check up with my Doctor.  Everything is going great!  At 29 weeks Liam's heart was beating loud and strong.  I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes a few weeks ago. I have to check my blood sugar 5 times daily and I've been on a special diet eating 3 meals and 3 snacks daily. It was difficult at first but I've got the hang of it and my blood sugar has been excellent under 120 two hours after meals which is just where I need to be.  The Doctor also measured my belly and said Liam's size is normal.  I go to the Hospital tomorrow morning for my NST (Non-Stress Test)  I have to be monitored once a week then twice a week at 32 weeks. A NST  can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. The test is done to monitor Liam's Heartbeat and activity.  I'm glad that Im being monitored so closely and It does help calm my nerves.  It's comforting to feel his movements and listen to his heartbeat during the NST.  There are times he makes it difficult to monitor him because he tends to move and jump away from the doppler.  He is  a little devil sometimes making it difficult for the nurse because he doesn't like to stay still.  Last time I felt him turn over and then  he gave me a hard kick..ouch! But I'm so relieved that he has been very active.
I had a bit of a scare last week.  3 hours went by and I didn't feel any movement. I rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night and they did a non stress test and everything was fine. Liam was just sleeping the doctor said she could tell because his heart rate stayed the same.  He tends to have long sleeping patterns (3 to 4 hours) which is not good for me because I worry if I don't feel him move.  A baby should move at least 10 times in 2 hours.

Jul 2, 2008

Why I decided to blog my pregnancy journey

I was happy to come across this website which will allow me to share Liam with friends and family. It's great for those who don't live close by to be able to check in and see how Liam is doing and how my pregnancy is coming along. It is also a great outlet for me to express my worries and concerns as this has been a very difficult time for me. As you may know this is my second pregnancy. Being pregnant is such a wonderful experience that I think it's so important to live and experience your baby everyday because you never know what can happen.  My first son Tristan was stillborn when I was 41 weeks pregnant on February 27, 2007 due to an umbilical chord accident. My first pregnancy was such a joy! I kept journals, wrote down every mile stone, bought baby clothes, decorated the nursery etc. I kept planning and planning for his arrival  I never thought I'd ever loose a baby.

When I found out  I was pregnant with Liam I was so overjoyed! I felt so blessed that I was able to get pregnant again with no complications. But I also knew that the next 9 months weren't  going to be an easy road for me.  I was extremely scared and worried and I did have something to be worried about.  I had been robbed of all the optimism that you should have while you are pregnant.  The thought of loosing a baby never enters a pregnant women's mind unless they have experienced a loss before.  What should be joyous occasions can be stressful.  I remember Liam's first ultrasound. I was so worried that day that I was shaking. While the tech was searching for Liam on the monitor and I didn't see anything yet I started to tear up and cry..just thinking he was dead. I felt a sigh of relief when the tech finally found him and he was okay.  With Liam I haven't had time to even pre-plan this time. Instead of keeping a pregnancy journal of every milestone I'm busy writing down my gluclose levels, baby kick counts, running to the hospital with NST testing etc. I plan to keep all of that info for Liam so he can look at it one day and know how much we loved him and how much I went through. I haven't even thought this time of what I'm going to do once he arrives.. I'm just trying to get through this pregnancy first.   Friends and family are so supportive. I'm thankful to have people around me that are so positive and filled of good thoughts.  That definitely helps get me through the rough days. People just tell me to enjoy this pregnancy everything is going to be fine but I know they have never been through what I have in the past. You don't know unless it happens to you you'll never know what it's like.  I'm so thankful Liam is doing so well.  I pray everyday for a happy and healthy little man for me to carry home in my arms this time. He's loved more than he'll ever know. I just take each day at a time and do the best that I can for Liam and myself.