Nov 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day was rough this year. We spent the day at home with just the four of us. I was so sick with a very bad cold that I caught from Chris of all people the one person in the house who hardly ever gets sick. I had a soar throat, cough, achy, congestion. I was miserable. What made it really hard was Blake was only a month old and I was breast feeding him too. I had to wear a mask and wash my hands. It worked great he didn't even get sick. Chris and I decided awhile back that this year since we'd be busy with a newborn we would order out our Thanksgiving dinner. We ordered our turkey and sides from Bill Miller BBQ and we made dessert. It was great. I was so disappointed though because I was so sick I couldn't taste anything. I hate when your so congested you can't even taste your food especially on Thanksgiving. We tried to make the best of it. I didn't decorate all that I had planned  I did very little because I was so sick. Blake also has colic and is up almost all night from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. crying so I didn't get much sleep the night before with him and me being sick. Just such hard time. Liam had a great day though. He watched football with Daddy ate all his dinner and watched movies.

This is Chris actually a few days before when he had a cold. I later caught his cold but it was worse than when he had it. I had to wear a mask too. Blake never got sick so I guess it worked

This all I had the strength to put together being so sick. This is Liam's seat It had a lot of turkeys to color and crayons. He loved it

I love this cornucopia my Mom made for me a few years ago.