Feb 14, 2012

Valentines Day Fun!

 Valentines Day has become such a fun holiday for us. Lots of fun Valentine parties this year. We first hosted a Valentines Day cookie decorating play date for our KinderMoms group. The kids were so sweet they had fun decorating their cookies but loved eating them of course. It was wonderful to have some company and chat with some Moms too. I was so surprised that Blake slept in his swing during the entire time.

Liam had two Valentines Day parties. The first one was for our KinderMom group. Every year they hold one and the kids exchange valentines. These have been a hit the past two years so I decided to make them again. These are Teddy Gram crackers and Gummy Bears wrapped in a treat bag labeled "You're Beary Special From Liam Hoffman." Liam brought these to school also for his party there too. He had so much fun!

One of a ton of valentines Liam received from his friends at school I thought this was a cute one

Baby  Blake's 1st Valentines Day!

Blake was such a sweetheart! He's my little Valentine. He went out to lunch with Chris & I  at our new favorite spot The Red Rooster while Liam was at school. Chris had to work at 3 p.m. so we had our Valentines Day lunch to celebrate. It was such a beautiful day out.