Dec 11, 2014

Day #11 North Pole Village

Today we went to our yearly tradition fun spot North Pole Village. I didn't get too many pictures as I was too busy living in the moment which is okay with me.  We love going every year. It's been 5 years now and we still love it! Blake was too scared to get his picture with Santa though which was a bummer because he was so excited at the beginning to meet him he even wanted to get Santa painted on his face and he wore his Santa hat but he was too scared. Liam got his picture taken and really had fun talking to Santa asking for his favorite Monster Truck called Derailed! Lots of fun and sweet memories!

Dec 6, 2014

Day #6 - Nativity

Today we learned about what the Nativity means. We did a Nativity Scavenger hunt where I hid all of the boys' nativity characters and had clues for each one to have them guess who they were and where they were hidden in the house. They had a blast playing! We also  read  The First Christmas book and we went and saw a Live Nativity at a church in town where they have refreshments and a real Nativity which is great to help them to learn about what it means.  Liam will be acting in a Nativity play at school next week which will be fun to see him act.

Dec 5, 2014

Day 5 - Snowman Day!

Today was a rough day for Blake he is sick with a nasty stomach bug so unfortunately we were not able to finish a lot of our snowmen projects. The boys did make snowmen ornaments for our tree and a snowman out of marshmallows which they loved making with their babysitter Miranda.  We also watch Frosty The Snowman and had hot chocolate. Blake just enjoyed laying down and watching Frosty..poor guy. Hope he feels better soon!!!

Dec 4, 2014

Day #4 Reindeer

For Day #4 we had fun wearing our reindeer antlers, making reindeer food to give to Santa's reindeer on Christmas Eve, and watching Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer movie. But the boys favorite thing we got to do was watch Santa's reindeer cam where he let us watch him feed his reindeer at the North Pole!!   The boys loved watching and seeing the reindeer eat and it was snowing!!

Liam cleaning up his messy glitter

Blake cleaning up his mess he made with the reindeer food

Dec 3, 2014

Day #3 - Sights & Sounds of San Marcos!

Tonight we went to Sights & Sounds of San Marcos for the first time! It's a big big Christmas fair/carnival that the city of San Marcos puts on every year. There are carnival rides, games, lots of venders, hundreds of lights, free photos with Santa, craft stations, Live Nativity, Petting Zoo, ice skating etc.

The bridge entrance
Camel at the Bethlehem exhibit 

Making bread at the Bethlehem exhibit.
They learned how bread was made back when Jesus was born

Blake eating bread cooked on the fire YUMMY!

Blake always finds a playground
wherever we go and has to stop!

Liam playing some games

Watching Frosty on the big movie screen

They LOVED riding the barrel train together. 
Blake got to blow the horn

Cotton Candy  YUM!!

Petting Zoo Time!!!

Mommy's favorite a little fawn

This was the boys' favorite inflatable.
They asked me to take their picture with it!!

Liam loves nutcrackers and insisted
on getting his picture taken with this one
and he also wanted to take him home!