Sep 28, 2012

Fair Parade

Such a fun day for Liam & Chris! They got to ride on a float in the fair parade today! The newspaper where Chris works had a float this year in the parade and Chris & Liam were invited to ride on the float. Blake and I watched from the crowd. The theme of the float was high school football to help advertise the newspaper's football coverage. So since Chris is the Sports Editor it was great that he was there in the parade. Liam  loved it. He sat on Daddy's lap. It was hard to get pictures up close. I really need a new camera. I was able to get some video but it came out so shaky. Luckily the photographer was able to take some pictures.  Liam had a bad fall right before the start of the parade. He cut his knees and elbows gushing blood everywhere. They got him a band aid and he went on the float. But when he saw me in the crowd he cried because he was hurt. So sad to see him upset. But he did cheer up and was fine. It was great Liam had the opportunity to be in the parade. Blake enjoyed watching the parade. He LOVES music so his favorite was the marching bands and he loved watching all the tractors drive by. He was so good the entire parade. It was about 2 hours long and he watched the entire parade. Love my sweet boys so blessed to have these special moments together.


Sep 27, 2012

A little pick me up from Liam

There is  so much on my mind lately and I just don't feel myself.  I really hope it's just a phase I'm going through and not depression again.  There are so many challenges we are having to face and lots of difficult decisions to make that some days I find it hard to make it through without letting it overwhelm me. I'm always having to handle everything on my own and it gets really lonely sometimes. But today my sweet 4 year old boy reminded me that I am not alone.
     I was playing with Liam in the playroom when all of a sudden a wave of sadness came over me. I excused myself and went into the living room sat down on the couch and I started to cry. I left the room because I didn't want Liam to see me cry. But the sweet boy he is noticed I was sitting down on the couch with my head down in my hands crying. Liam walked over to me placed his hand on my lap and looked me in the eyes and said "Mommy why are you sad you're alright." and he ran to the bathroom and brought me a tissue. He handed it to me and said, "Here Mommy, I help you wipe your eyes clean." It made my heart melt. He was so sweet. I also felt more sad because he saw me cry and I didn't want him to see.  I started to feel guilty that I should not be feeling this way because  I have a sweet and caring little boy who loves me. I realized that I don't need anyone else in this world to make me feel loved. I'm so blessed to have my boys in my life who really love me unconditionally and are the best friends I could ever have.

Sep 26, 2012

County Fair Fun!

The county fair is here! We enjoyed a fun day with the boys visiting with the animals. The fair lasts all week long. They allow a free day where all the kids can come and visit with the animals for free. So we we like to take advantage of this day and this year it's suppose to rain during the big fair days Friday, Saturday and Sunday which is so disappointing. Liam loves the fair and this year it will be his third year visiting this fair. I can't believe how much time has past. Liam is definitely growing up. Blake LOVES animals so he was loving the petting farm with the goats, ponies and calf. He was not too fond of Liam's favorite animals the chickens.  It was a fun visit this year!

Sep 25, 2012

Playtime Fun!

Liam had some friends come over for the day while their mom had an appointment. Liam's friends Kylie who is 3 and her brother Michael who is 8 came over and we had lots of fun making halloween cupcakes, playing Chutes & Ladders, geo tracks, dress up and lots more. We loved having them visit  I took some pictures of them acting silly while decorating their cupcakes. So happy they enjoyed their visit us.

Sep 5, 2012

Starfall Reading Award & more homeschooling fun!

So proud of Liam for completing his reading for homeschooling. We are doing starfall literature books, workbook and online educational stories. Liam completed five books is five days! Unbelievable. He's reading at a kindergarten level. I'm so impressed. He was so happy to show off his award.

Liam also worked on his alphabet letter craft. This has been an ongoing project for over a year now. we're in no rush  we do one letter at a time whenever. This week we decided to make two. We did S for star and T for tree. Liam loves making these and we hang them up in the playroom. I got the idea from  this wonderful website called no time for flashcards. Here's the website

1st Day of Preschool!

Liam's 1st day of preschool was on Tuesday September 4, 2012. He is attending the same  preschool he attended last year at our church we go to.  He goes Tuesday & Thursday from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.  His teachers this year are Ms. Jamie & Ms. Candy. He had a great first day and was so excited!