Apr 22, 2012

Blake is 6 months old today!

I can't begin to explain how much these past 6 months have really flown by. Hard to believe our little guy Blake Conley is 6 months old today! He completes our family and we are so blessed he has touched our hearts. He lights up the room with his glowing smile and his two adorable dimples. He has a contagious laugh that starts out like a whisper then turns into a full on belly laugh. He loves his Mommy and always looks for her whenever he's not with her. He loves to sit with Daddy and watch football and basketball. Big brother Liam is his hero. I never thought it would start this early but Blake idolizes Liam.  He always looks for his big brother and laughs at everything he does. Blake will even cry if Liam leaves the room. Liam taught Blake how to blow raspberries and this makes dinner time lots of fun for Blake and messy too. The two have bonded in ways I know only they will understand.

Blake weighs over 13 lbs now. He might be a little guy but he LOVES to eat. His favorite foods are Mommy's milk :), sweet potatoes, pears, carrots, avocados, bananas, apples, and oatmeal cereal. His not so favorites are Zucchini and peas. He eats three times a day now at least 8 oz a feeding WOW! Thanks to the Baby Bullet he's enjoying nutritious, organic, homemade baby food made by Mommy.

Blake can sit up now with very little assistance, roll over on his tummy and back.
His favorite toys are teething toys, little piano, little basketball hoop, Baby Einstein play gym, an exersaucer,  and the jumperoo.

He's not too fond of tummy time he usually will cry  after a few minutes. But Liam likes to entertain Blake while he's on his tummy by letting him watch his Geo Track trains. So Cute! :)

Blake has two bottom teeth! He started teething when he was 4 months old and they both came in at once. OUCH! He was not a happy teether. He would cry a lot and had a hard time sleeping at night.

Blake is doing so much better since he outgrew the colic after 4 months old. He's such a happier baby now. Laughs and coos and always loves to grab grab grab anything and everything.  Since he had colic it was hard to get him on a regular schedule but now since he's turned 6 months old he is on a schedule that he likes and it works well for us.

Blake's Schedule  

7: 30 a.m. - Wake up
8 a.m. - Nurse
9 a.m. breakfast  usually oatmeal w/fruit
9:30 a.m. - Playtime
10:30 a.m. - Nurse/Nap time
12 noon - Lunch usually veggie
12:30 p.m. - playtime
2 p.m. - Nurse/Nap time
4:30 p.m. - Awake/ Nurse/ Playtime
5 p.m. - Dinner veggie w/ rice
6 p.m. - Nurse/playtime
7 p.m. bath/story time w/ Liam
7:30 p.m. nurse/bedtime

Blake loves to go outside for strolls in the stroller. He's already been swimming and loves the water :) His all time favorite water activity is taking a bath with Liam.  I find it so funny that Blake loves to get splashed. Sometimes Blake will come and sit in his bouncer seat in the bathroom while I give Liam his bath. Blake gets a little fussy and then Liam will splash him with the water and Blake will just make the silliest belly laugh so precious!

So much has happened in such a short period of time. Blake is definitely growing up so  fast. It is true that the time goes by so much faster with the second baby. Blake is such a strong boy. He's been through some tough times, colic, jaundice, bronchitis, weight gain etc. He's a healthy  lovable little guy. He's definitely a mover and shaker It will be exciting to see all that he accomplishes in the next few months. We are so blessed to have him he has changed our life for sure. I can't image our family without him. Love you sweet Blake. Mommy & Daddy are so proud of you.

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