Feb 27, 2013
Six Years Since We Said Goodbye...Remembering Tristan
It's hard to believe that this year it will be six years since we lost our sweet Tristan. The month of February is always a difficult month for me. It's hard not to forget and I always feel a sense of sadness and loss when February comes. It's so disappointing because I always liked the month of February. I looked forward to Valentines Day on the 14th and my brother's birthday on the 19th. Seems like there were lots of great memories in February but now it's just a sad time for me.
It's true that time heasl the pain of a loss. I know through time I have learned that life does go on even with a broken heart. Your' life is definitely never the same but you find a new way of living your life with the pain. You will never forget you just learn to adjust to a new way of looking at life.
It amazes me that most of the time I can't remember a thing. I don't know why but I can't remember the details of what I did yesterday but six years later I can still remember the details of the day we lost Tristan. I remember what the hospital room looked and smelled like, what the weather was that day, and most of all what I felt when Tristan was delivered and how quiet the room was. No baby crying, no laughter, no talking, just silence I will never forget.
Back then I could not imagine where I would be six years later. I barely knew if I could make it through the day. I knew I wanted to know what It felt like to be a mother. I knew I was one. I went through 9 months of pregnancy, 24 hours of labor, had stretch marks, my body was ready to breastfeed etc. and most of all my mother instincts were there. But I had no baby in my arms. That was the hardest part of trying to heal is know that my body was ready to care for a baby and I was a mother but there was no baby to mother.
No doubt I had feelings of guilt. Wondering if I made the right decisions, asking why my body let me down, why I didn't know the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck. It just made you crazy after awhile. Living in a small town I felt so isolated and alone. I knew no one who had experienced this kind of loss and I felt like I was some kind of freak. Once you did tell people It was sad to see their look on their face. It was very uncomfortable at times and I would try to avoid the questions "Do you have any children?" I learned early on that I was uncomfortable if I said Yes or if I said no. So I learned to finally answer "Yes, my son Tristan was stillborn at 41 weeks." It took awhile to answer without tearing up but after a year I was able to say it openly without the tears. I remember being around women and they would be talking about their child birth experiences etc. and I would talk about mine and they would be confused. "Oh I thought you said you didn't have any children?" I would have to explain to them. I felt like I had something in common but then once I would share with them my loss some women were confused and often wanted to ask lots of questions. It was hard at first to answer but I knew most of the woman just didn't know about stillbirths and It was more of a way for me to help educate them about it. It really started to help me to learn to talk more about my loss and stillbirth and I knew that if I talked more about it with others It would help educate them. I felt that Tristan's loss would be a lesson for others and over time It made it easier for me to talk about it.
Every year we usually do a balloon release in Tristan's memory but it's been so windy we decided to reschedule it to another day when it wasn't so breezy. This morning Chris & I did our regular morning routine getting the boys up, making breakfast and sending Liam off to preschool. My Mom is visiting and she was able to watch Blake for us so we could both take drive Liam to school. After we dropped Liam off at 9 a.m. Chris asked me what I'd like to do to cheer me up. I said lets go to the country club and play tennis and workout for the morning. So we drove to the country club and on the way there I noticed the clock at 9:31 a.m. which was the exact time Tristan was born sleeping. I began to tear up and I felt a pit in my stomach. I would never had guessed six years later I would driving my son to preschool. I feel so blessed to have Blake & Liam. They are a constant remember of how far I've come and how strong I've become. I could not have imaged even having another baby and now I have two healthy, strong boys. Thanks to Tristan I have really experienced first hand how important it is to cherish every moment with your children and to not take any breathe they take for granted. My Mom and Chris both wanted me to spend the day doing something I like doing so they were so sweet letting me take the car after our workout at the country club, and go out alone for a few hours. I went for walk, went shopping bought myself some much needed clothes, said a prayer for Tristan and dreamed of what life would have been like with Tristan here playing with his little brothers. So bitter sweet but I know that he will remain such a special part of our family for a lifetime. I'm so blessed I was able to hold him for only a short time but he will live on forever in my heart.
Miss you sweet Tristan!
Feb 26, 2013
My First Born
2. WERE YOU MARRIED AT THE TIME? Yes, for 4 years.
3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? Very excited & scared! It happened only after 2 months.
6. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? I took a home pregnancy test then later I I saw the doctor and had a blood test.
7. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? My husband because I asked him to check the home pregancy test for me to be sure.
8. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? Yes! I couldn't wait.
9. DUE DATE? February 18,2007
10. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? OH YES!! I was extremely sick my first trimester vomiting and passing out...horrible!
11. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Not much since I was so sick but I ate a lot of ginger..Ihate it to this day!
12. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? The first trimester because I was so sick.
15. HOW MANY POUNDS DID YOU GAIN? Lots..at least 30 lbs...ouch!
17. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? One was a surprise and one I didn't know about
18.DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? No, besides the sickness during the 1st trimester, I had a healthy pregnancy.
19. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? Florida Hospital
21. WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? my husband Chris
22. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? my husband Chris, my mother in-law, my sister-in-law & my mother.
24. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Yes, I had morphine and an epidural
27. WHAT DID YOU NAME YOUR CHILD? Tristan Christopher Hoffman
28. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? Tristan would be 6 years old on Feb. 27, 2013. Tristan was stillborn when I was 41 weeks pregnant. His heart stopped beating while in the womb and I noticed no movement one evening. The next day I was induced and we found out that the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck 3 times. We love him and think about him everyday.
2. WERE YOU MARRIED AT THE TIME? Yes, for 4 years.
3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? Very excited & scared! It happened only after 2 months.
6. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? I took a home pregnancy test then later I I saw the doctor and had a blood test.
7. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? My husband because I asked him to check the home pregancy test for me to be sure.
8. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? Yes! I couldn't wait.
9. DUE DATE? February 18,2007
10. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? OH YES!! I was extremely sick my first trimester vomiting and passing out...horrible!
11. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Not much since I was so sick but I ate a lot of ginger..Ihate it to this day!
12. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? The first trimester because I was so sick.
15. HOW MANY POUNDS DID YOU GAIN? Lots..at least 30 lbs...ouch!
17. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? One was a surprise and one I didn't know about
18.DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? No, besides the sickness during the 1st trimester, I had a healthy pregnancy.
19. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? Florida Hospital
21. WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? my husband Chris
22. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? my husband Chris, my mother in-law, my sister-in-law & my mother.
24. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Yes, I had morphine and an epidural
27. WHAT DID YOU NAME YOUR CHILD? Tristan Christopher Hoffman
28. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? Tristan would be 6 years old on Feb. 27, 2013. Tristan was stillborn when I was 41 weeks pregnant. His heart stopped beating while in the womb and I noticed no movement one evening. The next day I was induced and we found out that the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck 3 times. We love him and think about him everyday.
Feb 23, 2013
Tripp's Party!
Feb 22, 2013
Blessed to live in TEXAS!
Sometimes I get very busy with my crazy life that I forget how blessed we are to live in Texas. Here it is the middle of February where most of the country has to deal with snow and ice and I get to sit outside on my patio in my shorts and t-shirt and enjoy this beautiful sunset. I'm a lucky girl!
Feb 19, 2013
Happy 40th Birthday Bro!
Today my brother Marshall is celebrating his 40th Birthday! So hard to believe he's hit the BIG 40 already. Unfortunately we don't see each other very much living half way across the country it's hard to visit each other on special occasions. We always keep in touch by phone and try to connect whenever we can.
My Mom is visting and we were trying to think of something special we could give him to celebrate his birthday. My Mom brought a lot of pictures with her and I thought It might be nice to put together a Birthday memory box for him with a scrapbook of pictures of him when he was young and include some gifts from his childhood, favorite toy, candy etc. It was so much fun to put it together and we were so happy that Marshall loved it!
My Mom is visting and we were trying to think of something special we could give him to celebrate his birthday. My Mom brought a lot of pictures with her and I thought It might be nice to put together a Birthday memory box for him with a scrapbook of pictures of him when he was young and include some gifts from his childhood, favorite toy, candy etc. It was so much fun to put it together and we were so happy that Marshall loved it!
Feb 16, 2013
Fun With LIAM!
I can't believe my rainbow baby is 4 1/2 years old! It's unbelievable how much he's grown just this year!
Liam is doing awesome in preschool. He loves his teacher, Mrs. Williams, and he's made lots of new, sweet friends. He enjoys music, chapel, math, and playing in centers ( He told me himself!) He loves to play on the playground and climb. He also LOVES cars, trucks, vans and collecting his match box cars. (He has 350 right now he counted them by himself!) He likes to look at them in magazines and on the computer. A common question you'll hear come out of his mouth out of no where
"Mommy can I look at vans on the computer please?"
He still LOVES anything and everything to do with math. He now can add and subtract double and triple digits and starting to learn multiplication & division. He also loves to tell time has his own clock he uses.
Like his Daddy he loves the computer and playing computer games. His all time favorite website to visit is starfall.com. It's an educational website for kindergarteners. He loves playing the games and doing all the fun activities on that website. He likes it so much I've had to monitor his use. He must get 20 stars on his reward chart to play 30 minutes of starfall. It's been a great way to keep him on his best behavior. He really likes his reward chart and counts up his stars every day .
Just recently he's become obsessed with the calendar. He loves looking at the dates and days of the week. I recently purchased a big bulletin board size calendar for him to use. I hung it up on the wall in the playroom. Every day we put the date, day of week, weather, and season on his calendar it's a big hit.
He just recently has been learning to ride a tricycle. From the time he was a toddler he was never into ride on toys. He would push them around but never took interest in riding. We never pushed him to ride but recently we decided he should start knowing how to ride his tricycle. He's doing well still needs some practice. I think he's just lazy and would rather run LOL!
He started to take to drawing. He has always colored but never did a lot of free hand drawing. Thanks to watching one of his favorite shows, Blue's Clues, he's learned how to draw a house, trees, flowers, cars, books, etc.
To my liking Liam loves music especially dance music. I've played him some of my music and he's really liked it and loves to dance. He loves watching Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, The Black Eyed Peas, Will I AM etc.
Liam enjoys going to church and Sunday School class. He prays every night before bed and before dinner. He has also memorized some bible verses and songs that he loves to recite and sing.
He loves to read and can sound out words on his one with very little help. He loves using LeapFrog Tag Reader. He has several books but his favorite right now is about the human body. I am just amazed of his memory. He can recall so much information and it just sticks to his little brain. So proud of him. :)
Liam started taking Spanish classes from my friend who teaches classes on the side. He goes every Tuesday for an hour. He loves it! It took a little bit to understand but now after a month he is really catching on . He knows so much more than I do and has really great spanish accent and pronounces the words perfectly. So proud of him.
Liam does need to learn to pay attention and follow directions better at school and at home. He thinks he runs the show some times. He can be a spitfire and full of energy bouncing off the walls if he's bored which doesn't take much for him to get bored so I'm always trying to keep him busy which can be exhausting sometimes. He also needs to learn to swim and feel more comfortable putting his head under water. He loves swimming with his vest on but is not too confident without it yet. After last summers drowning scare Liam is going to be taking more swimming lessons this summer and during the year.
Liam loves Blake but has a lot to work on with being kind to him. He still pushes, yells, fights, and grabs from him. Still a lot of jealousy there that we're working on. I do see moments during the day when he will play with Blake talk with him, make him laugh which is so precious to watch. Blake just looks up to him so much. It hurts to see Liam be so mean to Blake sometimes but we're working on it.
Favorite Foods
Pizza, Potato Chips, Broccoli, Salad, Chocolate, Popcorn, cookies, carrots, corn, strawberries, blueberries
Favorite Color
Favorite Animal
Favorite Toys
Matchbox Cars, LeapFrog Tag Reader
Favorite TV Shows
Finnis & Ferb, Mickey Mouse Club, Blue's Clues, Scooby Doo
Favorite Movies
Cars, Cars 2, Finding Nemo, Mary Poppins
Favorite Holiday
Favorite Songs
"Jenny 867-5309" by Tommy Tutone
"Real Gone" by Sheryl Crow
"We Got The Beat" by The Go Gos
"Billy Jean & Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson
"Somebody I Used To Know" by Gotye
"Step In Time" by Dick Van Dyke
"Scream & Shout" by will.i.am
Funniest Quote So Far
After Blake let one out at the dinner table
"Blake you sound like an elephant"
Feb 14, 2013
Be Mine...
Valentines Day was so special today. It was all about showing all the Hoffman boys some love! We also showed Grammy how much we love and appreciate her too since she is visiting with us.
Liam had a Valentines Day party at preschool and Blake had his party with our playgroup. Both boys got so many valentines to enjoy from their sweet friends. Both boys LOVED opening up their Valentines. I was so happy I was able to catch their excitement on video too.
Liam worked so hard making all 12 valentines for his sweet friends. He wrote all their names out and signed his on each card. I was so proud of him he did an awesome job. |
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Liam absolutely LOVED looking at his valentines! |
My Little Mr. Right! |
Liam looking at his valentines |
I got a KISS from my VALENTINE! |
Feb 4, 2013
Grammy is Here!
Grammy arrived today from Tennessee! She is in the process of moving out of her condo and is looking for another place. She decided to put her things in storage and do some traveling. She is going to be staying with us for a few months to visit and have some fun time with boys. I thought it was so sweet when she called me asked if she could visit that she just missed her grandkids and would love to see them. Of course we said yes and she came right down. It's great to have her come. We don't have any family close by to visit so when we have family come it's always special for us.
Grammy helping Liam plant some seeds for a herb garden |
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